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Comment #19 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update - Scenario Inputs Technical Workshop
(sp22-inputs-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Nancy
Last Name: Ihara
Email Address:
Subject2022 Scoping Plan Update
Because of the need to cut greenhouse gases as soon as we possible
can I support the more ambitious targets found, in general, in the
first of the alternatives proposed in all the sectors. 
Additional comments I would like to make are:
1. Regarding oil and gas extraction, these should be phased out
sooner than 2035. The extraction of these fuels is incredibly
damaging to our environment and the health of California's
residents, especially as we know, those with lower incomes and
people of color.
2. I think it is unwise to rely on carbon capture and
sequestration. These technologies by and large have not been proven
to be successful and detract from the more important goals of
developing clean renewable energy sources.
3 The use of biomass for combustion should be rapidly phased out.
It should not be considered renewable.
4. Because of their contribution of massive amounts of greenhouse
gases, CARB should focus on reducing HFC's, to 85% of 2013 levels
by 2030, and 95% of 2013 levels by 2035.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-10-19 12:52:30

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