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Comment #22 for Agriculture Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan
(sp-agriculture-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: James
Last Name: Reischutz
Email Address:
AffiliationGreen Pyro
SubjectSoil Carbon Sequestration
While the draft sections on agriculture make some reference to
biomass utilization and farm efficiency improvements, an emerging
technique of biomass utilization that has synergistic benefits for
efficiency and residue utilization is neglected.

"Bio-Char sequestration"- the storage of residue derived char
products in agricultural soil appears to offer a large, permanent,
and beneficial CO2 precursor sink. "Waste" biomass from farming or
forestry operations is thermally separated into a solid elemental
carbon fraction and an energetic gas. The charcoal fraction is
derived from atmospheric CO2 captured by plants. It is bio-inert,
and seems to be a permanent sink on the ~1000 year time frame.
Anecdotal studies show a large decrease in methane and N2O
emissions from amended soil. Further studies show ~10% decrease in
irrigation demand. 

Furthermore, by applying carbon to fields, primary pollutants such
as NOx and pesticide runoff are reduced. Particulates from residue
burning are controlled. The public health and environmental
benefits from using this technique need analytical

As much as 25 MMT per year can be offset with this method in a
relatively short time frame. 

Although the emerging science behind this technique is promising,
it hasn't reached full maturity, perhaps disqualifying it from
inclusion in this scope. Opening the door in the scope to soil
carbon sequestration schemes (conservation or no till carbon
systems, rangeland managment etc) will provide a small window for
black carbon (bio char) sequestration research. 

We support the use of California offset projects so Bio char
programs can be used for AB 32 compliance.

The attached document is an academic analysis of some general case
bio char sequestration. 

Adoption of this technique means advancing leading edge science
and climate policy in California. 


Original File Name: Energy balance.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-08-11 14:18:46

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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