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Comment #20 for Forests Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan
(sp-forests-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Bob
Last Name: Williams
Email Address:
AffiliationTehama County Board of Supervisors
SubjectCatastrophic wildfire impact on air quality

 August 5, 2008

Mary D. Nichols, Chair 
California Air Resources Board 
1001 I Street 
Sacramento, CA  95814 

Re: 	Climate Change Scoping Plan, June 2008 Discussion Draft

Dear Chairperson Nichols: 

Tehama County welcomes the opportunity to comment on the June 2008
Discussion Draft of the Climate Change Scoping Plan.  We do have a
concern that the document does not adequately address the serious
issue of catastrophic wildfire, and believe that wildfire
mitigation and prevention are vital to meeting the goals set forth
in AB 32. 

As you are aware, in May 2008, Governor Schwarzenegger issued
Executive Order S-03-08, which specifically directed CalEPA and
the California Resources Agency to oversee the Climate Action
Team's development of measures for wildfire fuels reduction and
biomass utilization. In light of the Executive Order, the current
rampant wildfires around the state, and the Governor’s recent
emergency declarations, we are troubled that no such measures have
been outlined in the Scoping Plan. 

Recent wildfires have had major impacts on air quality,
contributing significantly to California’s carbon and particulate
emissions. Catastrophic wildfires, typically located on United
States Forest Service (USFS) lands, could be prevented if these
lands were more efficiently managed. The Draft Scoping Plan makes
only a vague mention of fuels reduction and fails to address
emissions from fires on USFS lands. 

Tehama County strongly urges ARB to include a firm commitment by
the state in the Final Draft Scoping Plan to join with local
governments to advocate at the federal level for enhanced
management on USFS lands, as well as an extensive program to
quantify wildfire emissions that could be avoided through better
forest management practices. This is vital not only in meeting the
goals of AB 32, but more importantly to improving the quality of
the air and public health.  We thank you for your consideration of
our comments.


Bob Williams, Chairman
Tehama County Board of Supervisors

CC: 	Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
        Members, California Air Resources Board 


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-08-08 15:16:48

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