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Comment #19 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update - Engineered Carbon Removal Technical Workshop
(sp22-co2-removal-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Kim
Last Name: Floyd
Email Address:
SubjectEngineered Carbon Removal Technical Workshop on August 2, 2021
I am concerned that CARB is moving forward on advancing carbon
capture, utilization and storage
(CCUS) technologies without fully listening and hearing the
concerns of environmental and
environmental justice organizations. The Scoping Plan workshop that
took place on August 2, 2021 certainly gave me the impression that
CARB has a bias in favor of engineered carbon capture technologies.
 CARB must take into account 
input from the Environmental Justice Advisory Council (EJAC) as
well as other environmental groups.

CCUS will be very expensive.  Those resource would be better
focused on eliminating the use of fossil fuels completely.  

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-08-16 15:55:24

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