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Comment #22 for Comments for the California GREET model in LCFS
(ca-greet-comments-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Linda
Last Name: Swift
Email Address:
SubjectOil Recovery Efficiency Used is too High
By"Oil recovery efficiency" listed in cell E-32 of the spreadsheet,
I assume you mean oil recovery factor, i.e. the actual proportion
of in-place oil that can be economically extracted from a
reservoir.  If that is indeed the case, the value you use of 98% is
much too high.  An average is about 20-25% (see for example
 Although the recovery factor can vary significantly depending on
the field, it never in my experience is as high as 98%, even with
exceptional EOR.  A good recovery factor is more like 35-45%. 
Secondary and tertiary recovery might add another 10% each.

There is a huge amount of data on this to get a robust average


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2014-12-04 10:57:14

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