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Comment #10 for Workshop on the Proposed Rice Cultivation Offset Protocol and Updates to Existing Offset Protocols
(offset-protocol-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Carl
Last Name: Hitchens
Email Address:
SubjectREDD Rice
It is unconscionable to implement REDD (i.e., Reducing Emissions
from Deforestation and Degradation) as part of the Cap-and-Trade
regulation. Dubious at best and spurious at worse, to advance the
continuation of carbon pollution with the slight of hand of
good-practice-farming as an off-set is duplicitous and enabling of
polluter indifference and insensitivity. Not to mention the cost to
the environment and food supply by introducing GMO-altered plants.
Contaminating the human food supply is not justified by fertilizer
reproduction. Don't be dazzled by high-tech "solutions" suggested
by the masters of deception like Monsanto. Common sense must rule
over greed and slick and specious theorems based on self-interest
research devoid of long-term proof of benefit against long-term

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2014-03-26 16:09:42

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