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Comment #26 for Agriculture Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan
(sp-agriculture-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: CY
Last Name: Beh
Email Address:
SubjectAgriculture & Diet
Dear Sirs,
The fact that such a plan is being devised is highly commendable.
For it may well become the blue print for all other states and
nations to emulate, and Planet Earth will be able to heal herself
and there will be hope for sustainable living.

However, as it has been pointed out by scientists and as detailed
in the UN's reports - Livestock's Long Shadow, meat diet is a much
bigger contributor to greenhouse gases emissions, more than all the
transports in the world combined. Thus, it is only logical that we
embrace this one elegantly simple solution of encouraging more to
Go Veg, adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet. This one simple change
has far reaching positive impact on not just the human health but
also that of the planet, such tangible positive outcomes are
reasons enough for the government to take the leadership role in
sharing the knowledge with all citizens, generate the awareness on
the urgency and many benefits of us adopting the plant-based diet.

It is hoped that the plant-based diet solution that requires
little investments and whose impact is immediate can be an
integral part of the AB32 plan.

Go Veg, Be Green, Save The Planet!

Thank you.

Respectfully yours,

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-08-20 09:46:14

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