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Comment #22 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update – Initial Air Quality & Health Impacts and Economic Analyses Results Workshop
(sp22-econ-health-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Brian
Last Name: Nowicki
Email Address:
AffiliationCenter for Biological Diversity
SubjectComments on the health and economic analysis
The Center for Biological Diversity provides this input regarding
the initial results from the air quality and health impacts and
economic analyses, released at the April 20 workshop. The results
released so far are general with little detail, providing only a
summary of results. It is impossible to evaluate the health and
economics modeling results at this point without being provided the
underlying methods, model documentation, and detailed results. Our
comments here are therefore necessarily general and focus on
instances where the modeling assumptions appear to be faulty or
unsubstantiated, and we recommend ways to make the modeling
analyses as robust, science-based, and transparent as possible. We
urge the California Air Resources Board to release the details of
the modeling--the data inputs, detailed outputs, and the specific
assumptions--in order to receive more detailed comments from the
public and to modify the modeling and analysis as necessary, before
selecting a preferred alternative.

Original File Name: 22 05 03 Center for Biological Diversity Comments Scoping Plan Costs.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-05-02 22:04:54

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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