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Comment #27 for 2030 Target Scoping Plan Discussion Draft
(sp2030disc-dec16-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Bruce
Last Name: Burdick
Email Address:
SubjectRecommendation to report "pounds of CO2 e per day" to electricity, gas and water customer
AB32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC) Initial
Recommendations for Discussion Draft Version of 2030 Target Scoping
Plan Update August  26, 2016

As part of Section 22 Page 13 of 21 “The state must support
research on the following topics:”

Please consider adding the following Part e.  “Some Counties will
experiment with having their electricity,. water and gas companies 
report the “pounds of CO2 e emitted per day” in supplying their
customers with electricity, water and natural gas.  The customer’s
monthly bill will report the “pounds of CO2 equivalents emitted per
day” in supplying the customer with their electricity, water and
natural gas for the month.

The monthly bill will also include various statements such as the
-  to meet SB32’s requirement to cut greenhouse gas emissions 40%
from 1990 levels, Californian’s will need to decrease their “pounds
of CO2 e emitted per day” from 73 pounds of CO2 equivalents per day
in 2013 to 32 pounds of CO2 equivalents in 2030. 

-  to avoid 1.5 degrees of global warming, Californians must
decrease their 73 pounds of CO2 equivalents in 2013 to 1.75 pounds
of CO2 equivalents per day in 2030. 

The following graph shows the pounds of CO2 equivalents per day of
Californians avoiding 1.5 degrees of global warming.

Please e mail me if you would like to see the graph. 



Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-12-15 12:44:26

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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