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Comment #26 for Volkswagen Settlement - California ZEV Investments
(vw-zevinvest-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Stacey
Last Name: Reineccius
Email Address:
AffiliationPowertree Services Inc.
SubjectComments on Multi-Family and ZEV
ZEV delivery into the California market has been well received but
is not being delivered to the driving population in a balanced

Per CVRP data almost 93% of ZEVs have been sold to property owners
who have a single family home.

Yet, 42% of the general population do not own a home but rather
they rent.

In urban centers these figures are even more disparate with 67%+ of
San Francisco and 54% of Los Angeles being rental rather than owner

This denies the Renter access to the savings from ZEVs, the tax
credits, the rebates and the ongoing savings in fuel.   

It also denies the general market the 2/3rd of interested buyers
(per UCLA Luskin market interest study of ZEV purchase intent)
access to EVs.

To put it another way, enabling consistent and equal access to

A tripled market makes every other activity encouraging ZEVs that
much more cost effective and beneficial, whether funding, CO2
reduction and per study by the Strategen Consulting Group and UC
Berkeley a 50% reduction in gasoline consumption in California will
bring a $51 Billion per year benefit in economic stimulus to the CA

Yet 2/3rd of this benefit is blocked by lack of access to charging
for Renters.

Based on this, three investment criteria are eveident to maximize
the return on investment for all parties:

First:  A strong emphasis in funding for the the Development (site
identification, acquisition and placement) , Construction and
Sustainable business models supporting Rental markets is

Beneficial multi-way wins are possible and emphasis in any
investment plan on serving multi-unit dwelling/multi-family
residential properties will yield returns to Volkswagen and the
State of California much greater than continuation of single family
or public access charging.

Second:  Emphasis should also be placed on projects where universal
access technology, such as AC Level 2 charging, which is present on
100% of plug in vehicles over the 20% of less that are equipped
with the pricier DC charging formats.    Cost effective design
argues that support of higher rate AC charging will serve a larger
population and be more useful.

Third:  Sustainable Economics are every bit as vital as Sustainable
Ecologics.   Successful business models should be amplified.   The
State of California's Energy Commission has invested in numerous
projects to help prove out work and attention should be paid to
forming partnerships with firms already equipped with the expertise
and on-the-ground knowledge to advance any investment more cost

Thank you for your efforts!

Original File Name: Strategen_2030_Governor_Goals.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-12-15 14:55:30

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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