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Comment #264 for 2013 Investment Plan for Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds
(2013investmentpln-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Michele
Last Name: Young
Email Address:
AffiliationCalifornia Organics Recycling Council
SubjectBioenergy and Composting to support Sustainable Agriculture
The California Organics Recycling Council (CORC) membership been
instrumental in our state’s efforts to attain the recycling mandate
of 50% waste diversion from landfills, required by the California
Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939), and will remain
critical to the attainment of future sustainable goals of 75%
recycling and zero waste, and the implementation of AB 32.  CORC
fully supports the AB 939 statutory hierarchy of reducing,
recycling, and composting. CORC has been supportive and engaged
throughout the AB 32 Scoping Plan development and implementation
process. Anaerobic digestion and composting are at the nexus of the
AB 32 Scoping Plan adopted measures where organic wastes are
diverted from landfilling to generate renewable energy and carbon
negative fuel, and where quality organic compost is produced and
returned to sustainable agriculture.
Specifically, CRRA has recommended investments in the following:
•  Sustainable Agriculture Investment:  Organic Compost Use Fund 
•  Compost Investment: Emission Reduction Credit Reimbursement
(ERC) Fund 
•  Compost Investment: BACT Compost Technology Incentive Payment 
•  Biomethane Investment: Food Waste to Anaerobic Digestion
Technology Incentive Payment 
•  Reauthorization of AB 118 


Original File Name: CORC Allocation of Cap & Trade Proceeds Comments - 3_8.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2013-03-08 15:20:48

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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