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Comment #3 for Public Workshop: 2022 Scoping Plan Update – Natural and Working Lands Technical Workshop
(nwl-2021-tech-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Garlynn
Last Name: Woodsong
Email Address:
AffiliationWoodsong Associates
SubjectClear cuts and climate change
Why would you ever put clear cuts on a list of management
strategies to produce positive climate outcomes? Hopefully, you
would only do this for modeling of a BAU scenario? Clear cuts are
antithetical to sequestering carbon, rebuilding ecosystems,
protecting water quality, preventing wildfire, or restoring rural
economies sustainably. We should NEVER AGAIN allow clear cuts on
forest lands. SELECTIVE HARVEST must be the new management practice
framework for ALL of our forest lands' this may requires state
legislation to enact statewide on the ground action to change
harvest practices in favor of solving for forest health, wildlife
habitat, sustainable harvest, and carbon sequestration. There's
plenty of research that supports this (such as this:,
but it's important to follow the money; a lot of pro-clearcut
research has been published, funded by the timber industry, that
doesn't represent solid science as the conclusions were drawn prior
to the research being conducted.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-07-21 09:37:33

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