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Comment #3 for March 22, 2016 Cap-and Trade Workshop on Sector-Based Offsets
(sectorbased1-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Thomas
Last Name: Vessels
Email Address:
SubjectPublic Comments for Sector Based Offsets

All initiatives, proposals, projects should be required to estimate
their repair to climate damage and how many tonnes of Carbon
Dioxide equivalent they will reduce in the next 20 years.

Specifically adopt the GWP factors from latest scientific  study
rather than the UN or USEPA factors.  

It is an artifact of the early years of the climate change debate
that we still use 100 years as the reference time frame for climate
 policies.  The effect this has on the public mindset is to give
the impression that climate change is a distant future's problem. 
The next 20 years are more critical.  Science is ahead of policy.

At the Global Methane Forum in Georgetown, March 29, 2016 Drs. Drew
Shindell and  Johan Kuylenstierna jointly presented that reducing
methane and black carbon in the atmosphere have the greatest impact
in the next 20 years.  For example they have calculated the GWP for
methane over a 20 year period to be around 100 and over a 100 year
period 40.  

If we adopt a 20 year time period resources of all types will
naturally move towards earlier cost effective solutions.   


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-04-08 12:23:48

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