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Comment #3 for Comment on the potential for international, sector-based offset credits in the Cap-and-Trade Program
(sectorbased2015-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Edu
Last Name: Effiom
Email Address:
AffiliationCross River State Forestry Com., Nigeria
SubjectSustainable forest management via FMCs in CRS enabling payment for ecosystem services
Thank you California for providing this opportunity to share
comments. GCF update on the California Air Resources Board Worshop
indicate an exciting meeting which we would have loved to
participate as a member state in GCF especially as it seems there
was no Afro-tropical representation at the meeting. Nonetheless, we
greatly anticipate the actualization of this possibility (the
inclusion of tropical forest jurisdictions in California’s Cap and
Trade Program).
What we would have love to especially highlight besides other green
financial initiatives in our State, would be our benefit-sharing
initiatves-payment of royalities and loyalties to forest
communities in CRS which is in the form of payment for Ecosystem
services. In CRS, we co-mange the forest that is the community
forest with a community-based organisation ccalled FMCs (Forest
management Committees) established by Forestry Commission. We train
community members on basic forestry skills. The incentive here is
in the payment of 30-70% of the revenue acred from selective timber
harvesting, salvage etc. This ensures their coperation in helping
us protect the forest and place the commitment on them to protect
their forest. I can provide more details on this if needed. Thank

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-11-13 05:16:08

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