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Comment #25 for Transportation Symposium to Discuss 50% Petroleum Reduction Goal
(transportationsym-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Alex
Last Name: Aliferis
Email Address:
SubjectPostpone Decision for 50% Petroleum Reduction Goal
    CARB is trying to achieve a lofty and ambitious goal, but needs
to also exercise caution in how this policy is implemented to avoid
harming our economy or further burdening struggling families.

    California gas prices are already among the nation's highest
according to GasBuddy data. Consumers can't afford to pay more for
gas or to simply trade in our cars for electric cars.

    A recently released study found one third of Californians live
in poverty. While CARB's proposal is made with good intentions,
unintended consequences of its implementation such as gas price
increases and lost jobs are likely to hurt the poor the most.

   Alex Aliferis

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-04 11:35:03

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