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Comment #26 for Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Draft Strategy
(slcpdraftstrategy-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Arthur
Last Name: Boone
Email Address:
Affiliationlocal Sierra Club chapter
SubjectMethane from landfills.
There's been a fatal flaw in the measurement of methane coming out
of landfills. Dr. Sally Brown at the University of Washington has
demonstrated that most rotting food materials have made all their
methane in the first six weeks after being discarded. The methane
is long gone before those materials would be placed in a landfill,
covered with daily cover, and have their methane monitored. Low
methane emissions as monitored in a flux type system does not
present a true picture of what has happened. 

It's also true that methane collection systems are carefully run to
avoid drawing air into the system that would create easily
explosive mixtures. The analogy is trying to heat Buckingham Palace
with one thermostat; a too simple control system for a complex

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-10-29 07:59:30

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