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Comment #29 for Draft Proposed First Update to the Climate Change Scoping Plan
(proposed-sp-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Harvey
Last Name: Eder
Email Address:
AffiliationEx Dir Public Solar Power Coalition
SubjectTotal CA Solar Conversion by 2023/ or in 9 Years HE PSPC SC 119641 Eder v SCAQMD
     This is part of Harvey Eders submittal and for PSPC on the 5
year CARB Scoping Plan Review. Here in not Eder/PSPC incorporates
by reference the entire record  including the Clerks Transcript to
Harvey Mark Eder vs SCAQMD ( South Coast Air Quality Management
District & Barry Walerstein, and CARB (California Air Resources
Board  & Richard Cory et. al.
SC 119641. This is official service for CARB etc  Amended Complaint
September 2013,
This law suit directs by 2023 that the whole state of California be
converted ITSC (Immediate Total Solar Conversion )This will clean
the air of Global Warming and Criteria pollutants helf the economy
and the health of Ca citizens.
    The clerks transcript is apx  600 pages in 3 volumes also
transcripts  court 3 reporter  transcripts are herein incorporated
into the record  in cluding all of Eder/PSPC and environmental
groups submittals in the 2012 SCD Plan etc
and since then.
      The entire record of information example the 4/13/14 IPCC
study written in the NY Times is incorporated herein gin the record
of the  this law suit and comments to the scoping plan review as
well as all submittals to date and in september 2014.

                              More comments will follow by Eder &
PSPC befoire the 5pm  4/28/14 comment deadline etc.

                                  & PSDPC  Public Solar Power

                        Harvey Eder 4/25/14  86 Ozone Nox and PM
etc.                    1223 Wilshire Blvd. # 667
                        Santa Monica, CA. 90403  (310)3932589

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2014-04-25 13:41:01

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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