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Comment #33 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update - Scenario Inputs Technical Workshop
(sp22-inputs-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Lee
Last Name: Dedini
Email Address:
Affiliation350 Humboldt
Subject2022 Scoping Plan update
Dear Chairperson Liane Randolph,

Everyone thanks you for the opportunity to comment on the scoping
plan alternatives for 2022.

I may not be around in ten years, but my grandchildren will be. So
CARB needs to be stronger than the the Alternatives 1 through 4. At
the least, Alternative 1 should be chosen, except for methane
production, then Alternative 2 in necessary.  Alternative 1 should
include some research on CDR instead of simply rejecting it.

The challenge for CARB, is that there is a window of time to
accelerate changes by 2030 in every sector. Each of the past
Scoping Plans have included a list of policies centered around
regulations, incentives, and carbon pricing to help the State
achieve its GHG targets. Any economist will agree that carbon
pricing is the most effective way to reduce GHG emissions, so the
Cap and Trade price needs to be as high as the damages that climate
change has caused in California. Even Iceland and Ireland has
double the price of the $17 in California.

We need all renewable electricity generation by 2030. In
residential housing, appliances should be all electric when new by

Biomass is not carbon neutral and the waste should be used for
alternatives that sequester carbon rather that for combusting.

In five years there will be HFC options available for refrigeration
and air conditioning with GWP of less than 15. These should be
required by manufacturers on a time table.  There should be
incentives for stores to replace entire older systems. 

Thank you for considering.

Lee Dedini
Bayside, CA.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-10-22 10:29:59

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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