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Comment #29 for Transportation Symposium to Discuss 50% Petroleum Reduction Goal
(transportationsym-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Bill
Last Name: Arcudi
Email Address:
SubjectI'm tired of being the energy guinea pig
Re: SB 350 and CARB's role in making my life miserable

I drive a fuel-efficient car. I optimize my travel and take
far-fewer long car trips. I telecommute when I can. I take the
train or Metro when I can...

What I get in return is a drain on my wallet every damn time I put
gas in the car. I get a bullet train that is an economic joke and
will never achieve the benefits claimed to gain acceptance (most
would call this fraud instead of "optimistic projections"). And I
get a legistlature and CARB hell-bent of turning the screws even
tighter. ENOUGH!

It's time to consider the effects of these grand social experiments
on the working people that pay your salaries. I for one am tired of
the paying to be the trend-setter and example for the rest of the
world by enacting fixes that provably do not make a dent in the

-Bill Arcudi

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-04 11:41:58

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