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Comment #30 for Transportation Symposium to Discuss 50% Petroleum Reduction Goal
(transportationsym-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Joseph
Last Name: Mandichak
Email Address:
Subject50% cut in petroleum consumption
This is a crazy idea.  Are you trying to drive people who are
normal out of California?  This proposal is just another way of the
government picking winners and losers in the energy business. 
Giant wind farms that kill birds by the thousands, Giant solar
farms the destroy wildlife.  None of these would stand on their own
merits if it were not for the government regulations.  A train that
will have to be subsidized by the government forever.  When will
you people learn.  You're going to run out of tax payers to pay for
all the crazy ideas that you come up with at some point in time. 
Maybe you should concentrate on the real problems that face this
state such as bridges and roads that need repair.  That should keep
you busy enough.

Joseph Mandichak

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-04 11:48:04

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