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Comment #4 for Docket to receive public comment on the Draft 2019 Emissions Inventory for TRUs
(2019truei-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Joe
Last Name: Dalum
Email Address:
AffiliationOdyne Systems, LLC
SubjectClarification of truck TRU proposed regulatory concept
Concept as shown on slide:
Starting in 2025, all truck TRU fleets phase in full zero-emissions
at 15 percent each year (over 7 years).

Can you confirm that the chart below accurately represents the
draft regulatory concept?

Proposed requirement for percent of new TRU sales on trucks in
California per year with full zero-emissions operation of the TRU:

2025 = 15%
2026 = 30%
2027 = 45%
2028 = 60%
2029 = 75%
2030 = 90%
2031 = 100%

Can you confirm the proposed regulatory concept requires zero
emissions operation of the TRU.  It does not require zero emissions
operation of the entire truck during propulsion.

Thank you,


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2019-10-31 10:59:11

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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