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Comment #4 for Dairy Subgroup 2 Comment Docket (for digester projects)
(dairysubgrp2-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Joshua
Last Name: Kim
Email Address:
SubjectRE: Deliverable #2 Regarding "Pipeline Injected Biomethane"
[The following comment or question was submitted by email during
the June 26, 2017 Subgroup #2 Kickoff Meeting]

From: Johannes D. Escudero
Affiliation: Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas

Responding to Michael Boccadoro’s reply to our comments -
Just want to clarify that
1) we agree that Jan 1, 2024 is not a foregone conclusion - but we
should also not assume that we will have more time; and
2) RNG projects require an average of $16 million investment per
project. IF we have 7 years before SB 1383 takes full effect, and
considering it typically takes 7-10 years to amortize the
investment capital on an RNG project,
we need to do everything we can to encourage and enable the
development of as many RNG projects from the dairy sector as soon
as possible.
The ARB Greet Model/CI score and related LCFS value currently
attributed to dairy-manure sourced RNG is necessary in order for
dairy manure-derived RNG projects to pencil out.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2017-07-12 14:35:59

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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