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Comment #4 for Natural and Working Lands Joint Agency Workshop
(nat-workinglands-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Christine
Last Name: Mai
Email Address:
AffiliationUSFS Hydrologist
SubjectKey water related restoration opportunities unaddressed
Two particular areas of concern to me as a water specialist for a
land management agency are ground water recharge and protection and
accessibility of aquatic habitats.  

If we are concerned about ecosystem resilience beyond humans it
would be good to acknowledge that extensive aquatic habitats have
been isolated due to historic road infrastructure that does not
allow passage into habitats that could be used for refugia as
stream waters get progressively warmer.  The aging undersized
infrastructure also leads to water quality impacts such as
aggradation above road crossing pipes and cutting below.  Investing
in restoring road crossings would help to restore a hydrologic
regime that is less flashy and that promote healthy stream systems.

The other key area to protect are the numerous springs throughout
California that are still generously contributing to surface water
quantity.  These areas are providing key habitat for numerous
sensitive species as well which are important to overall ecosystem

Spring data for the state of California is in a state of dismay. 
Investments in the National Hydrologic Data (NHD) set has excluded
updates that are much needed to protect these springs. Old USGS
maps and the NHD have significant variation in spring numbers and
locations.  Why?  They are small and easily forgotten unless you
are Nestle trying to develop and export the waters.  Inventorying,
understanding and protecting these resources is key to better
understanding and protecting ground water resources.  

Fuel and biomass reduction as well as wildfires will play a key
role in restoring many springs however it is important to protect
these key areas as part of the climate change plan.     

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2018-05-31 13:06:10

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