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Comment #3 for Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Draft Strategy
(slcpdraftstrategy-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: peter
Last Name: palm
Subjectthe real cost
When we take actions such as this we always forget the cost to the
small business man. Imagine a mom and pop restaurant or c -store
having to pay 200.00 an hour for refrigeration service because of
all the new regs. New tools , new training, new specialty processes
to implement for new refrigerants.
the end result will be they wont buy new stuff, and they wont use
qualified service companies because they cant afford it.
we have seen a huge up tick in black market service companies in
California, it is ten times higher then in any other state. these
guys don't follow any rules and your goals are never reached.
please look at the entire picture when going down these roads.
  why not go after all the unregulated grease and smoke coming out
of in n out burger,and chains such as these, the pick up would be
noticeable to everyone in a five mile radius...

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-10-13 12:56:11

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