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Comment #15 for Workshop on the Proposed Rice Cultivation Offset Protocol and Updates to Existing Offset Protocols
(offset-protocol-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Tamra
Last Name: Gilbertson
Email Address:
SubjectNo Rice Offsets! No REDD! No Carbon Trading!
Dear Mary Nichols and members of CARB;
Carbon Trade Watch, an international watchdog and think tank on the
adverse impacts of carbon trading and offsets,writes to urge you to
reject and definitively cancel CARB's proposed rice cultivation
offset protocols and all of its adopted and proposed offset
protocols as well as cap-and-trade. 
Our expert research has repeatedly demonstrated that carbon trading
and carbon offsets including REDD are a scam and make global
warming worse. Please see the library of our reports:
Please enter into the public record our book, The No REDD Reader,
which features ground-breaking articles about the extractive
industries behind REDD, how REDD threatens the survival of
Indigenous Peoples in Voluntary Isolation in the Peruvian Amazon,
and other key issues.
For AB32 to propose solutions to global warming, it must not
include carbon offsets or carbon trading. There is no substitution
to capping pollution at source.
Tamra Gilbertson

Original File Name: No REDD - Reader - IMPORTANT.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2014-03-27 11:26:18

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