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Comment #40 for Scoping Plan Update Discussion Draft and Workshop Comments Log
(draft-update-sp-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: glenn
Last Name: klupsak
Email Address:
AffiliationClean Energy Technolgies
SubjectEmerging Technology Funding
CARB Board of Directors,

I would like to request consideration be made as part of this
scoping plan update to allocate funding that would directly benefit
emerging technologies and make it easier for small business to
bring emission reduction products to market in California.

The current avenues of testing required by CARB is VERY costly, and
by design anti-competitive, prohibiting start-ups and small
companies that do not have adequate funding from bringing their
products to market.

I represent a company called Clean Energy Technologies, we have a
very effective device to meet Tier 3 and Tier 4 emission standards
that also improves fuel economy a minimum of 13%. 

Our system, compared to the currently mandated DPF filters, is
about half the cost, is easily maintained, IMPROVES fuel economy
instead of reducing it, is completely recyclable instead of
creating hazardous waste from the trapped particles, and does not
negatively impact the efficiency of the engine or require any
downtime for regeneration.

The biggest challenge CARB faces in creating a more successful
Diesel Bus and Truck Regulation that everyone can support, is the
financial impact of mandating very costly DPF filters and the
deficiencies of the DPF technology. 

These two issues were very clear in the recent Hearing and the 40
plus people who commented on the challenges of the current

Clean Energy Technologies, along with a handful of other companies,
currently possess rigorously tested technologies that can resolve
the challenges CARB faces with a successful implementation of this

I hope you will strongly consider allocating funds that will help
bring these technologies to market quickly.

Kind Regards,

Glenn T. Klupsak
Chairman & CEO
Clean Energy Technologies 

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2013-11-01 11:40:48

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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