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Comment #45 for Volkswagen Settlement - California ZEV Investments
(vw-zevinvest-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Steve
Last Name: Jones
Email Address:
AffiliationITM Power Inc.
SubjectHydrogen vehicle support
ITM Power supports the notion that VW should support all ZEV
vehicle technologies and not simply the battery technology that VW
is backing in the short term.

Hydrogen vehicles are being supported by the state of California in
terms of building out refueling stations. ITM urges VW to further
support the roll out of more stations for hydrogen vehicles in the
state that expand the network and provide larger site fueling
capacity up to 500kg per day.
ITM Power also urges the settlement funds to be used to support the
generation of large amounts of renewable hydrogen in the state of
California. Centralized hydrogen production focused on producing
fuel with a zero carbon footprint will maximize the impact of
hydrogen vehicles in California. One such technology is using
renewable electricity to electrolyze water and produce hydrogen
fuel with zero carbon footprint.
In order to seed the market for renewable hydrogen funding is
required to build the first few renewable hydrogen facilities and
continue to drive carbon out of the fuel supply chain in
This is already being done in various euopean countries ansd the VW
settlement provides california with a unique oppertunity to become
a world leader in renewable hydrogen production.

Kind regards
Steve Jones
ITM Power

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-12-16 11:31:25

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