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Comment #5 for Analysis of Dairy and Livestock Methane Emissions Reduction Progress
(2020analysis-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Elisavet
Last Name: Zoupanidou
Email Address:
Subject Comments in Response to the CARB Webinar on Analysis of Dairy and Livestock Methane Emiss
 Comments in Response to the CARB Webinar on Analysis of Dairy and
Livestock Methane Emissions Reduction Progress. 

On behalf of Mootral, we appreciate the opportunity to comment and
provide information on the material and issues presented by Dan
Weller on the 21st of May. We acknowledge the importance of
Short-Lived Climate Pollutant (SLCP) Reduction Strategy and the
urgency to achieve  40% reductions in methane from dairy and
livestock manure management by 2030. 
Mootral is seeking to contribute to the Dairy and Livestock
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Working Group (Working Group). Our goal is
to improve knowledge of enteric fermentation emissions, including
short and long-term impacts potential reduction measures could have
on dairy product quality and consumer acceptance, animal health and
welfare and dairy economics.

CARB has evaluated information on potentially effective feed
additives in enteric methane reduction. Is the scope of the
evaluation focusing only on feed additives or you are considering
the feed strategies such as the feed supplements with effective
results? Mootral, for instance, has shown effective results in
dairy and beef cattle. 
Example of published studies:

Moreover, Mootral has developed a carbon methodology under the VCS
program approved by VERRA for quantifying and monitoring methane
emissions from ruminants. This methodology has been developed in an
effort to drive finance into agricultural projects that provide an
immediate, permanent and measurable impact on mitigating climate
change at a local level. Being able to quantify enteric methane
emission reductions from livestock projects represents an important
step towards mitigating climate change, delivering long-term
sustainable development and many other benefits that further the UN
Sustainable Development Goals.

Currently, ARB has adopted the Compliance Offset Protocol Livestock
Projects that provides methods to quantify and report greenhouse
gas (GHG) emission reductions associated with the installation of a
biogas control systems. Is ARB considering the adoption of a
compliance offset protocol for the quantification and report of
enteric methane reductions? How material is the process and
results, including the carbon price, of voluntary carbon offset
projects reducing enteric methane? 

Thank you for considering these comments. We look forward to
providing more comments on the draft analysis during the public
consultation and engaging with staff and stakeholders to contribute
to the SLCP strategy. 

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2020-06-04 23:49:10

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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