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Comment #5 for Governor's Pillars: Natural Working Lands
(pillarsnatworklds-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Niles
Last Name: Brinton
Email Address:
AffiliationCharborn Biochar
SubjectTake Biochar in to Consideration
Three main points:
1) Increased focus on carbon sequestration in forest lands is not
helpful unless we can get ahead of the growing trend of
stand-replacing fires in CA.  These fires represent carbon
liabilities as well as significant sources of particulate air

2) When good carbon accounting is applied to forest management,
working forests can be used to sequester large amounts of carbon
indefinitely, with sequestration in the form of various wood

3) Biochar is a wood product that can a)provide a much-needed
revenue source for fuels reduction projects and carbon-neutral
biomass energy generation; b)provide climate change mitigation by
sequestering measurable amounts of carbon in agricultural working
lands when used as a soil amendment; c)provide climate change
adaptation as a soil amendment that improves efficiency of water
and nutrient use and drought resistance in agricultural operations.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-21 10:12:00

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