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Comment #5 for CPUC/CEC/ARB/CalISO Renewables Symposium
(renewablesympsium-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Sigmund
Last Name: Gronich
Email Address:
SubjectBiomass to Hydrogen and Electricity Options
I emailed you previously with a question about biomass to hydrogen
and electricity options.  I would like to add several references
concerning the option which provides support for it.  My strong
feeling is that it is not being considered and should be.  Your
official form indicates that it is too late to submit it under
normal procedures, so I hope you will be able to consider it as an
option by this email.  I would be happy to discuss it at any time. 
I worked at the Department of Energy for 31 years in solar, biomass
and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and am familiar with this approach.
It would be in my judgment the lowest cost, most direct way to
simultaneously clean up the grid and achieve a clean transportation
Sig Gronich     

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-07-31 14:22:33

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