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Comment #38 for Technology and Fuels Assessment Report comments
(techfuel-report-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: scott
Last Name: marshall
Email Address:
SubjectYour ridiculous efforts
We all breath the same air , doesn't stay in one place ,...I
don't know who you think you are helping by putting all of these
regulations on us californians ,...its absolute discrimination to
restrict the emissions on people of a chosen area while others a
short distance away have no restrictions at all ,...this applies to
vehicles , tools,...etc.   ...I have no idea how you think this is
fair or if you care ....or how you think you are doing anyone any
good ,....the only thing you do is make life more difficult for a
lot of people and cost them more money while serving no actual
purpose ,....just another useless government program wasting tax
dollars .....are all of the people that work for the air resources
board that oblivious that they really believe they are making any
difference by restricting how a small percent of people are allowed
to live while so many are allowed to do as they please and do you
really think this is at all fair or equal ????

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-02-26 02:44:05

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