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Comment #48 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update – Initial Air Quality & Health Impacts and Economic Analyses Results Workshop
(sp22-econ-health-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Steve
Last Name: Birdlebough
Email Address:
AffiliationTransportation Land Use Coalition
SubjectScenarios and Annual Targets for GHG Reductions - VMT Reduction
Embedded carbon emissions in battery-powered vehicles must be
evaluated in setting goals for the shift from ICE autos to electric

By some estimates, battery production for electric vehicles will
require graphite, lithium, and cobalt supplies that will need to
grow by over 450 percent by 2050 to meet global climate targets.
This new demand, even with maximum reuse and recycling, implicates
a range of environmental issues and the lives of people in
mineral-producing countries. 

These products offset some of the environmental benefits of
battery-powered automobiles.  I have seen estimates in the 30% to
40% range.  Hydrogen-powered autos have similar issues that must be
accounted for.  


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-05-03 21:46:52

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