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Comment #26 for Workshop on the Proposed Rice Cultivation Offset Protocol and Updates to Existing Offset Protocols
(offset-protocol-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Lydia
Last Name: Garvey
Email Address:
SubjectProtect Our environment/health & Native Rights!
To the California Air Resources Board;
Please cancel the Rice Cultivation Projects Compliance Offset
Protocol and all existing and proposed Compliance Offset Protocols
under the Cap-and-Trade Regulation. Offsets are a false solution to
climate change and must be excluded from California’s Global
Warming Solutions Act AB32.

      Your attention to this most urgent matter would be much
appreciated by all present & future generations of all species.
            Thank you
                 Lydia Garvey Public Health Nurse

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2014-03-29 21:33:40

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