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Comment #53 for Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Draft Strategy
(slcpdraftstrategy-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Jim
Last Name: Jung
Email Address:
SubjectReducing short-lived climate pollutants strategy.
I strongly urge that the California Environmental Protection
Agency' Air Resources Board adopt the following targets to improve
the air quality of the San Joaquin Valley where I live and my
family was raised.

3 basic requirements to any California Air Quality Plan:

1.)  Mandatory annual dairy manure and enteric fermentation methane
emissions reduction targets.25% by 2020, 50% by 2025, and 75% by

2.)  Use a yr2013 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
20-year interval methane Global Warming Potential (GWP) constant
for all annual, short, and mid-term interval methane-to-CO2
equivalency conversion calculations.

3.)  Require the use of the most current IPCC 20-year interval
methane GWP constant in all of its various programs (cap and trade
[c&t], compliance offsets under c&t, greenhouse gas [GHG]
inventories, existing compliance offset protocols under c&t, future
compliance offset protocols that have been proposed for
incorporation into c&t, pollution permits, etc.) with regard to all
annual, short, and mid-term interval calculations, analyses, and
emission values.

The tighter we finally make air quality standards now, the sooner
we make the San Joaquin Valley air that our families breath,
healthier and foster better health, and fewer medical costs for the
state of California and it's residents!

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-10-29 21:50:58

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