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Comment #52 for Recycling Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan
(sp-recyc-waste-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Robert
Last Name: Figoni
Email Address:
AffiliationCity of Ontario
SubjectAB 32 Scoping Plan
Waste diversion offers a significant opportunity to reduce
greenhouse gas emmisions in California.  I urge the ARB to include
recycling, composting and waste reduction measures in the scope
being developed to impliment AB 32.  Reducing our consumption of
natural resources, developing markets for recycled products,
reusing materials and products, and educating the public on the
benefits from all of these should be important components of the
AB 32 scope.  Not only would there be an exponential impact on GHG
emmision reduction due to upstream factors such as mining,
production and transportaton, but additionally methane from
landfills produces many times the greenhouse gas emmisions as C02.
 Ulimately, reducing landfilling is an important factor.

Bob Figoni
Assistant Solid Waste Director
City of Ontario


Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-08-13 08:27:58

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