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Comment #5 for Auction Proceeds Funding Guidelines
(ggrf-guidelines-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Karen
Last Name: Stout
Email Address:
SubjectQuestionablyuse of Cap & Trade dollars
It is a travesty to use Cap & Trade dollars for HSR.  HSR is a 30
year or more project.  These funds are to be used for immediately
There will NOT be enough Cap & Trade dollars to fund HRS.  The
State is to be matching private funding dollar for dollar.  There
is NO private funding, so The State can NOT release its funds for
I am against The State creating another whole bureaucracy, like the
California HSR Authority to "Manage" Cap & Trade dollars. The bills
in the state senate can distribute these dollars just find without
multiple employees being hired to shuffle paper around and spend
the tax payers dollars.  Let our elected officers "Take Care" of
dollar distribution. The public has voted for them to speak for
them.  This is their job! 
Layer upon layer of departments and employees will make these
dollars disappear without any of those dollars going to reduce GHG.
These dollars will NOT cover all the bureaucracies expenses, and
leave any to clean our air.
Please let our government work as it was designed.
Respectfully, Karen J. Stout      

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-06-24 12:50:26

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