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Comment #6 for CPUC/CEC/ARB/CalISO Renewables Symposium
(renewablesympsium-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: William
Last Name: Gloege
Email Address:
AffiliationCalifornians for Green Nuclear Power
SubjectWe must have nuclear power to meet emission targets.
Dear Governor Brown, 

We should put nuclear power at the top of our energy generating
means. It produces 63.3% of America's emission free electricity
with only 100 reactors out of 6,000 total energy plants. 

Nuclear power, by actual numbers, is the safest of all other forms,
including accidents much ballyhooed by Big Media who are largely
supported by fossil fuel ads. (Forbes, "How Deadly is Your
Kilowatt?" 6/10/2012). 

The US Navy has had about 100,000 crew serving on nuclear ships
since 1955 without a single reactor injury or fatality. Follow up
on these crew show no long term effects. 

Sadly, California has cut its nuclear power generation to one plant
Diablo Canyon. That extremely well run plant provides 3 million
Californians with emission-free electricity with the 2 billion, 300
million watts the reactors create. 

New reactor designs are nearly to market and these will be even
safer than present designs. 

False fears has been whipped up about nuclear's safety, by groups
like the "environmentalist" Sierra Club, for example. But Time
Magazine caught the Club in 2012 quietly talking millions from
Chesapeake Energy. Club members never were told. All the while the
Sierra Club worked to shut more nuclear plants with false fears -
but zero evidence of harm or fatality. 

The UN reports (UNSCEAR) on Fukushima say no one died from the
accident and no one will be likely to become ill from released
radiation, and if they are " will be too small to detect." 

Get the facts on nuclear power, then build more reactors in our
state to fight climate change - and desalinate sea water for our
State caught in dire drought, itself caused by global warming.
(Diablo Canyon will begin furnishing desalinated water to nearby
communities soon). 

William Gloege
Californians for Green Nuclear Power
(all volunteer group of citizens supporting nuclear power and
Diablo Canyon)


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-08-04 09:04:12

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