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Comment #6 for Water Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan
(sp-water-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Richard J
Last Name: Vielbig
Email Address:
AffiliationDemocrat & "Broadminded"
We who live in the West know that water is the most precious
commodity. Definite measures need to be taken to "restrict" use of
this valued resource by recreational establishments like golf
courses,home owners' lawns and other such wasteful uses of this
precious resource. When I was stationed @ Holloman AFB in NM, the
practice was: water the golf course with "gray water". Use only
desert/arid friendly vegetation, restrict the use of toilet water,
clothes washing, etc. to use water "frugally". The CARB needs to
adopt and apply such measures to all water users here in CA. Even
agriculture can "reuse" water; it's done on some farms in the
semiarid agricultural areas of Washington & Oregon. CA needs to
adopt and apply these measures, too. 

And by all means keep our air "clean" - pristine, if possible.
Compel the auto industry and all other industries to reduce
pollution to "0"

Richard J. Vielbig

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-07-28 21:14:05

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