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Comment #6 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update - Engineered Carbon Removal Technical Workshop
(sp22-co2-removal-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Emily
Last Name: Siegel
Email Address:
Subjectcarbon capture and environmental justice
I understand the scientific consensus that carbon capture is
necessary, but if carbon capture is used by Fossil fuel companies
and their paid lobbyists to delay the end of fossil fuels, that is
a very negative consequence.  I am particularly concerned that
fossil fuel processing, which will continue with carbon capture has
very negative effects on people who live nearby.  Poor people and
people of color are the ones who live near refineries and drilling
sites ad are often the ones who have use and be near gas
appliances.  Furthermore, eliminating fossil fuels as rapidly as
possible will pay for itself many times over in decreases in the
costs of pollution.  It seems obvious to me that we must make sure
that carbon capture does not contribute to the intensification of
the climate injustice we experience due to fossil fuels. 
Environmental justice is extremely important to consider.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-08-08 19:32:58

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