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Comment #55 for Low Carbon Fuel Standard - Policy and Regulatory Development
(lcfs-policy-ws) - 5th Workshop

First Name: Kiowa
Last Name: Borja
Email Address:
AffiliationCalifornia CNG Vehicle Coalition
SubjectUpdated Comments for the October Draft LCFS Regulation
Please replace the previous version of the comments sent earlier
today with the attached cover letter and CNGVC comments on draft
LCFS Regulations.  In the revised comments attachment included in
this email we have noted that the comments do NOT reflect the
position of Pacific Gas And Electric Company.  I will mail out a
hard copy of the revised comments and include a note that they
should replace the comments mailed out earlier.
Thank you for your attention to our email.

Original File Name: CNGVC_LCFS

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-11-14 17:14:29

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