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Comment #60 for 2030 Target Scoping Plan Discussion Draft
(sp2030disc-dec16-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Thomas
Last Name: Vessels
Email Address:
AffiliationVessels Coal Gas, Inc.
SubjectCap and Trade Scoping Plan to 2030 comments
Respectully to the Board and Staff of ARB,

To:  ARB

Generally we believe updated reports on climate change and the
effects of offsets on that climate change should be made more
public in a manner accessible to general public.
We believe that a report should be made on the progress of global
warming so the Board and the state government have up to date
information on the current state of global warming and what the
most effective ways are to slow it.
ARB should solicit input from the Climate and Clean Air Coalition,
on the subject of Climate Change.
The future effect on California has probably been predicted.  That
report should be included in the scoping program records.
All policy decisions and initiatives in the scoping plan should be
evaluated as to their effect on climate change.
The benefits of methane emission  reduction should be reported from
the standpoint of realistic current GWP.  
The GWP of methane in the cap and trade system should be the same
as that used in ARB enforcement.  Most likely a 20 year period
based on 5th assessment report of 84.

Offset approval should be streamlined to leave out any work,
reporting or review of matters that are outside of the project and
preferably outside of destruction of GHG.

If an activity is regulated by another jurisdiction, local, state
of federal ARB should withdraw from any review or enforcement of
that activity.  Remove double jeapordy  project verification.

Finally offsets that have been approved should be publicly compared
to their equivalent reduction of other common emissions such as
automobile emissions, CO2 from coal fired power plants, natural gas
fired power plants, etc. to make the effect of offsets more

Tom Vessels 


Original File Name: MMCCACAPTRADEGMIDC2016.pptx

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-12-16 12:03:19

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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