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Comment #55 for Draft Proposed First Update to the Climate Change Scoping Plan
(proposed-sp-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Jeff
Last Name: Conant
Email Address:
AffiliationFriends of the Earth
SubjectComments to scoping plan: do not risk including REDD credits in AB32
Please see our comments, attached:

While we strongly support the overall goals and the implementation
plan of AB32, we remain concerned that the use of offsets detracts
from the overall objective of reducing emissions, and results in a
diverse array of perverse impacts. Our comments focus on the
possible inclusion of REDD-offsets within California's cap and
trade program, as referred to in the draft scoping plan (pg. 95 and
pg. 140). We strongly urge ARB not to consider an international
REDD program, for the reasons enumerated in the body of our
Thank you.

Original File Name: Friends of the Earth CARB scoping plan comments April2014.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2014-04-28 15:13:45

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