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Comment #45 for Technology and Fuels Assessment Report comments
(techfuel-report-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Katherine
Last Name: Wurtz
AffiliationKEW Grant Services LLC
SubjectFreight Locomotive Technology Assessment
The technology assessment defines engine efficiency as the
relationship between the total energy contained in the fuel and the
amount of energy available to perform useful work. One way to
accurately measure this would be to establish a measurement of a
locomotive engine’s fuel efficiency using a measure for brake
specific fuel consumption. KEW Grant Services LLC out of Knoxville,
TN has come up with a draft formula to measure brake specific fuel
consumption using the following algorithm and welcomes discussion
and feedback from the ARB.


Where Gdc = duty cycle weighted, brake specific fuel consumption in
Where gij   = gallons per hour i per test mode j
Where Fij   = the applicable weighting factor i for mode j
Where BHPij = brake horsepower or pulling power i for mode j using
the formula BHPij = (Torqueij)(RPMij)/5252
Where Torqueij = the measured torque i for mode j And
Where RPMij = the measured RPM i for mode j

Additionally, the technology assessment provides a solution to
achieving lower emissions by using on-board battery tenders in
addition to a compact SCR/DOC system. KEW Grant Services LLC would
like to offer an off-board battery tender solution that may provide
pulling power at zero emissions. Increasing pulling power through
the utilization of an existing piece of switching equipment as the
housing for battery tenders can enhance energy efficiency and the
amount of tractive effort of a switch locomotive. Using a
locomotive and slug combination improves switching operation’s
tractive effort with no increases in emissions. A slug is a tender
car that is hooked up to the locomotive, usually a frame with two
trucks and traction motors. Using the slug as housing for the
battery tenders increases tractive effort or pulling capacity at
zero-emissions levels and can increase the amount of space
available for battery power.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-06-01 10:03:15

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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