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Comment #61 for Volkswagen Settlement – California ZEV Investment Plan
(vwzevinvestplan-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Anne Louise
Last Name: Rice
Email Address:
SubjectSupport for Transit Applications - Questions about Process
As Southern California's Commuter Rail system operating across five
counties and serving those living in the worst air quality
conditions and congestion in California, the Southern California
Regional Rail Authority/Metrolink strongly recommends that ZEV
projects funded by both the ZEV Investment Plans and the upcoming
NOx Mitigation Trust projects include transit applications. After
years of emissions beyond what was expected, the inclusion of
transit in the mix is critical to gain lost ground, and such
investments are obviously required to make "Green Cities" truly
green, and to support non-auto modes and to clean up emissions in
DAC communities that are typically on rail lines (e.g., 84% of
Metrolink's customers access stations within DAC zip codes.)
Transit will give greater "bang for the buck" than single occupancy
vehicles. In this recommendation for transit, as well as the strong
reconsideration of the first Green City (which we believe should be
in Southern California with its high CES 3.0 scores and majority
DAC communities) we affirm the statements of others in Southern
California and around the state who testified on March 24, 2017. 

We also have some questions about project eligibility, and request
more clarity on how the process to advance projects works, both for
the ZEV Investment Plan and the NOx Trust funds. We notice you
postponed an all day workshop that had been scheduled for April 6,
and we hope you will answer these questions in the rescheduled

It does appear that the language from ARB allows off-road
investments, but transit is not specifically called out. We believe
this is a serious oversight. Our project eligibility questions:

​Would replacement and/or expansion of rail car movers with
electric RCMs in yards be fundable under Appendix C or D?

Would electric multiple units (EMUs) be an eligible project? These
would allow schedule flexibility with zero emissions and at lower
cost, along busy corridors, luring more people out of cars onto

Would a locomotive test bed using electric-diesel hybrids or fuel
cells be eligible under Appendix C or D?

When will we have the opportunity for public input on potential
projects for the NOx Mitigation Trust? How would we propose a

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2017-04-10 13:48:45

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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