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Comment #7 for Comment docket for March 29, 2022 workshop on dairies
(dairywkshp220329-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Bryn
Last Name: Pangburn
Email Address:
AffiliationFamily Farmer
SubjectFactory Farming
To whom it may concern,
  Out of deep concern and frustration I am writing to California
CARB to inform you that Iowa does not need a private out of state
company profiting off of greenwashing schemes in Iowa. I am a life
long resident of Iowa. I have had to witness the destruction of
this state caused by the Corporate Ag industry. Beautiful Iowa has
become a cesspool of manure caused by absentee billionaires.
Billionaires aren't the only human beings that matter in this
Country. The political power you have amassed has been devastating
to everything and everyone in its path. You don't have a right to
contaminate the water and soil of Iowans. Who do you think you are.
The repercussions will affect your children and grandchildren too
no matter where you live. You should of left the farming to real
farmers. But of course the greed in America's wealthy class has
been limitless in its appetite. God doesn't love you more and
neither do true Americans. Stop the lies, we see through it. Stop
the hypocrisy it's pathetic. Stop killing people animals and the
planet. Keep your bad faith pledges in California.
Life long family farmer of Iowa, Bryn Pangburn

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-04-02 09:00:39

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