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Comment #6 for 2022 Scoping Plan Update - Scenario Inputs Technical Workshop
(sp22-inputs-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Julia
Last Name: Manis
Email Address:
SubjectCarbon Neutrality ASAP
To Whom it May Concern, 

We must divest completely from fossil fuels as fast as possible.
There have been too many scientific reports about the dangers of
climate change to ignore them. We must listen to the science. And
we must act like we are in a climate emergency. Because we are.

Today I am asking you to completely divest from: Oil, Natural Gas,
and Coal. And move towards: Carbon Neutrality and Renewable energy.

One of the major ways that we can protect against extreme climate
change is to curb our emissions. The most effective way to do that?
Move away from fossil fuels and exchange them for renewable energy
sources. Natural gas has been used as an alternative to coal, but
it is not an acceptable alternative. As we have seen, natural gas
has all sorts of negative impacts on the earth -- including
environmental damage as well as health endangerment. The only
acceptable alternatives are solar and wind power. 

We must also completely divest from oil. As we saw on October 3rd,
there was a major oil spill off the coast of Orange County. It was
quite destructive to marine life and coastal communities. It is
only a matter of time before other oil rigs experience spills.
Quite often, the rigs are old and are more prone to oil spills.
Therefore, we must move away from oil as soon as we can. 

California is often a leader in environmentally friendly actions.
It is essential that we lead the transition away from fossil fuels
and towards carbon neutrality. Do this as soon as possible. Thank

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2021-10-10 10:33:27

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