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Comment #6 for Aliso Canyon Mitigation Program Draft
(alisompdraft-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Tim
Last Name: Taylor
Email Address:
AffiliationSacramento Air District
SubjectAliso Canyon Mitigation Strategies
State legislation mandates that food waste generators of 8 cubic
yards or more per week source separate and divert that waste from
landfills. Sacramento Solid Waste Authority, (SWA), has passed
Ordinance 26 to implement this requirement. Despite several years
of effort to implement source-separation and diversion, and despite
the ordinance, SWA anticipates that it will take several years to
achieve compliance. SWA also recognizes that 4 yd/wk food waste
generators will not be required to divert food waste until 2018 and
2yd/wk generators may never be required to divert. 

A coalition of utility, agency and non-profit organizations has
been organized in the Sacramento Region to educate and assist both
generators and collectors to source-separate and divert food waste
into bio-digesters where the methane and CO2 emissions can be
captured and turned into Renewable Natural Gas, (RNG), for
transportation and for electrical energy production. This effort
cannot be fully effective without significant additional funding,
but with additional funding from the Aliso Canyon mitigation
effort, food waste diversion could be significantly increased and
air emissions of methane and CO2 could be significantly reduced.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-03-22 06:08:24

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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