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Comment #8 for Recycling Comments for the GHG Scoping Plan
(sp-recyc-waste-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Jeffrey
Last Name: Smedberg
Email Address:
AffiliationCounty of Santa Cruz
SubjectCarbon Benefit of Zero Waste
The CARB Scoping Plan addresses the capture of methane that is
released from decomposition in landfills.  This is appropriate, as
methane is a potent greenhouse gas.  However, a more effective
approach is to reduce the quantity of material deposited in

It is particularly organic materials in anerobic conditions in a
landfill that produce methane.  Facilitating compost operations
and banning the use of yardwaste as landfill alternative daily
cover are quick and cheap steps to reduce the methane problem.

Waste reduction efforts which focus on reducing the
overconsumption of single use, disposable, and non-durable
products and packaging not only reduce the quantity of discards
headed to landfill, but also reduce the environmental and carbon
footprint of the entire production chain from resource extraction
through manufacturing and retail and all the related

If your Scoping Plan is intended to be comprehensive, I urge you
to make reference to the California Integrated Waste Management
Board's Strategic Directives on minimizing waste (SD 3), producer
responsibility (SD 5), and market development (SD 6).

I also urge you to include the specific recommendations of your
own CARB Economic and Technology Advancement Advisory Committee
(ETAAC) report which proposes the following:
J.     Develop Suite of Emission Reduction Protocols for Recycling

K.     Increase Commercial-Sector Recycling 
L.     Remove Barriers to Composting 
M.     Phase Out Diversion Credit for Greenwaste Alternative Daily
Cover Credit 
N.     Reduce Agricultural Emissions through Composting 

Thank you for your consideration.
-Jeffrey Smedberg

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2008-07-17 18:10:14

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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