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Comment #8 for Transportation Symposium to Discuss 50% Petroleum Reduction Goal
(transportationsym-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Steve
Last Name: Raney
Email Address:
1. In McCarthy's slides, he mentions CTP2040 in a single bullet,
with no explanation. In all the other slides posted on the state's
web for this event, there is no other mention of CTP2040.

The main CTP2040 points should have been covered:

CTP2040 is the US outlier. No other state has anything like
CTP2040 is not business as usual
CTP2040 has working model for 2040 transport emissions = 20% of
1990 emissions
The largest GHG reduction will come via EVs, but also … 

CTP2040 envisions an increase in the price of driving that is the
equivalent of a gas price increase to $7/gallon. 
This produces a 17% decrease in VMT/GHG. 
CTP2040 provides 75% increase in vehicle operating costs from $0.22
per mile (mostly gas @ 24.6 mpg fuel economy)

As a result, CTP2040 increases occupancy inside vehicles.
HOV2 freeway lanes are converted to HOV4
New HOV lanes are created
"Road capacity enhancing strategies were rejected due to concerns
these would ultimately increase VMT."

In addition, with CTP2040:
Transit doubles, biking doubles


2. Please consider attached Cities21 comments / recommendations
that attempt to assist the virtuous CTP2040 vision in becoming more
of a politically-viable implementation plan. 

3. Chris Calfee's slides appear to be a repeat of Kate White's
slides. Did Chris has his own, unique slides? If so, please post
those slides. 

Original File Name: Cities21_CTP2040_comment.pdf

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2015-07-20 14:28:34

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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