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Comment #73 for Volkswagen Settlement - California ZEV Investments
(vw-zevinvest-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Robert
Last Name: Ball
Email Address:
AffiliationKern COG
SubjectZEV Investments
The following categories should be considered that have a
substantial benefit-cost ratio better an straight ZEV invstments.

1) Diversion of heavy duty diesel trucks to rail with rail
infrastructure projects.  For example, the Shafter Container Yard
could provide significant HDD VMT/emissions reductions by diverting
trucks to rail.  The VW Settlement funds could be used to fund
intermodal infrastructure, equipment and Zero and Low Emission
Locomotives to run between the SJV and the Ports of L.A./Long
Beach, removing HDD trucks from I-710, I-405, I-5 and I-580.

2) A significant portion of Electric Vehicles use electricity
generated by fossil fuel natural gas.  Three of the largest Gas
fired power plants in California are near 2 clusters of dairies. 
Collecting and pipeing renewable NG from these dairies could reduce
the CO2e from electricity used in EVs across the state.  A category
needs to be added for generation of electricity used by EVs.

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-12-16 16:18:01

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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